Monday, 11 March 2013

Dhaka hosts crucial meet on population Tuesday

Dhaka is hosting a two-day crucial international consultation for global leadership on population dynamics, first of a series of 50 dialogues spearheaded by the United Nations worldwide to chalk out future development agenda after 2015. "The UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon has set a target to hold 50 consultations worldwide on nine thematic issues to find out future development goals as the MDGs are to expire in 2015. Dhaka is proud to host the first consultation on populations from Tuesday," Foreign Minister Dr Dipu Moni said at press conference at her ministry here today. Foreign Secretary Shahidul Haque, Director General for Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Martin Warner Dahinden, Director General of International Organization for Migration (IOM) William Lacy Swing and Foreign Ministry Director General Shameem Ahsan were present on the occasion. Dipu Moni said ministers, high level officials and representatives from 51 countries will participate in the consultation set for the Ruposhi Bangla Hotel in the city. The meeting will end on Wednesday with a Dhaka Declaration. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is scheduled to open the international dialogue that is likely to contribute substantially to the global endeavours to chalk out future strategies to deal with the global population dynamics, especially fertility reduction in some countries, while ageing in developed world. Besides, issues like migration and rapid urbanization would also come for discussion. In the year 2000, the United Nations has set eight development goals to arrest poverty, improve gender parity, ensure universal education, protect environment, tackle major communicable diseases, safe mothers and newborns lives and build greater partnership. The target, however, missed crucial issues like nutrition, violence against women, urbanization and so forth, said the foreign minister. "And the world is now looking beyond 2015 and trying to find out future development agenda in order to bring out the 'have- nots' from poverty and improve their lives as thought by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in her Peace Model," she said. Asked about political problems at home, the foreign minister said the anti- liberation forces that opposed the very birth of this country was still active in their 'old' lines to halt country's progress. She, however, said the government might hold talks with the opposition provided they a fresh mind to follow the path of peace. "We are ready to hold dialogue for peace, but the government would not allow acts that would jeopardize country's peace and stability," she said adding the government would go ahead with the trial of the war crimes perpetrators.

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