Friday, 5 July 2013

NBR freezes Ashraful’s bank accounts

The National Board of Revenue (NBR) has frozen the bank accounts of cricketer Mohammad Ashraful who is at the heart of a spot-fixing scandal in Bangladesh.
NBR’s Income Tax Policy Department member Syed Md Aminul Karim confirmed the revenue board’s action on Thursday.

The former Bangladesh captain is currently under suspension from all forms of the game for his involvement in spot-fixing in the second edition of the Bangladesh Premier League (BPL).

Aminul Karim said Bangladesh Bank has already asked all commercial banks to inform it about transactions taking place in the last two years in Ashraful’s accounts.

If the investigation finds any irregularities, Ashraful would be sued for evading tax and illegal transactions, he said.

Karim said accusations brought up against the cricketer might include tax dodge. “The probe is underway. The NBR has taken the step in line with the special provision of the Income Tax Ordinance.”

“The NBR has sought Ashraful’s revenue-related documents. He might face questioning if any irregularities are found.”

Ashraful’s legal income is Tk 15 million a year, but the revenue board suspects it is much higher.

The NBR also suspects he has bank accounts abroad and he bought lands using a different name.

Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) pays the cricketers through the Standard Chartered Bank.

However, Ashraful told reporters that the NBR did not inform him about anything before declining further comment.

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